Thursday, September 12, 2013


I'm not sure what kind of game I'm going to make still. For some reason, I've been stuck on "A cat goes to the moon" and "magical girls" but not directly together. The story of a game where a cat goes to the moon, might be about a cat who protects the moon cheese from thieving mice. Maybe a sort of chase, and catch, or cartoon violence type thing. It might be a platformer, or it could be an rpg? I'm not sure how it'd work as a board game or card game though.
I honestly wasn't in class last Wednesday, so I missed the play session. I can, however, link to my favorite card game at this moment in time which is Zombie Fluxx made by Looney Labs. The core mechanic of the game is that each turn you draw a card, and you play a card. Yet the rules can change at any moment, and the goal of the game always changes. One of the reasons why I always liked this game is because it has a way to have everyone lose in the end, unlike the normal version of Fluxx. This is one of those games where you need to play to really learn it, and you just don't really read the core rules to learn how. Just read the cards, and play accordingly. My favorite goal of the game is the Zombie Apocalypse ungoal card, and I can't really say why. The game pretty much allows you to screw other players over, by constantly switching up the rules and changing the current goal card; however, there is a chance that this'll backfire on you. This is a great game to play with friends, and is really easy to pick up as you go on.

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